Become a Supporter

Kollegen stehen zusammen im Konferenzraum. © gettyimages/Chris Ryan

You can also help shape the work of the DWIH and profit from it, either as a main or associate supporter – there are plenty of opportunities to get actively involved.

The German Centres for Research and Innovation (DWIH) are supported by German science organisations, German research-based companies and other institutions whose remit includes promoting innovation and place marketing. Institutions that are willing to make an active commitment to the objectives of the DWIH can become supporters: increasing the visibility of German innovation leaders, broadening knowledge about the German science, research and innovation landscape, advising actors in Germany and the respective host country and interconnecting innovation leaders at the local level.

Interested? How you can help shape the work of the DWIH

You can apply to the director of a DWIH to become a supporter of the centre in question. The DWIH’s Advisory Board will review your application. Two forms of engagement are possible: you can be either a main or an associated supporter.

Main supporter

For you to be accepted as a DWIH’s main supporter, you will need to be represented in the country in question by either an office or an individual who is assigned to this role and officially appointed. To be accepted as a main supporter, German companies need to provide evidence of research and development activities in the host country, for example through the existence of an R&D department or by submitting proof of relevant innovation projects. Every main supporter is entitled to appoint one voting representative to the DWIH’s Advisory Board.

Associated supporter

German science organisations, German research-based companies and other institutions whose remit includes promoting innovation and place marketing can become associated supporters of a DWIH even if they are not yet active in the host country in question. To do so, they must be interested in a future continuous presence there or in making a regular and substantial contribution to the activities of the DWIH, for example by staging high-profile events in the host country. Every associated supporter is entitled to appoint one voting representative to the DWIH’s Advisory Board.